
ITRS Log Analytics is innovation solution allowing for centralize IT systems events. It allows for an immediately review, analyze and reporting of system logs - the amount of data does not matter. ITRS Log Analytics is a response to the huge demand for storage and analysis of the large amounts of data from IT systems. ITRS Log Analytics is innovation solution that responds to the need of effectively processing large amounts of data coming from IT environments of today’s organizations. Based on the open-source project Elasticsearch valued on the marked, we have created an efficient solution with powerful data storage and searching capabilities. The System has been enriched of functionality that ensures the security of stored information, verification of users, data correlation and visualization, alerting and reporting.


ITRS Log Analytics project was created to centralize events of all IT areas in the organization. We focused on creating a tool that functionality is most expected by IT departments. Because an effective licensing model has been applied, the solution can be implemented in the scope expected by the customer even with very large volume of data. At the same time, the innovation architecture allows for servicing a large portion of data, which cannot be dedicated to solution with limited scalability.


Elasticsearch is a NoSQL database solution that is the heart of our system. Text information send to the system, application and system logs are processed by Logstash filters and directed to Elasticsearch. This storage environment creates, based on the received data, their respective layout in a binary form, called a data index. The Index is kept on Elasticsearch nodes, implementing the appropriate assumptions from the configuration, such as:

  • Replication index between nodes,
  • Distribution index between nodes.

The Elasticsearch environment consists of nodes:

  • Data node - responsible for storing documents in indexes,
  • Master node - responsible for the supervisions of nodes,
  • Client node - responsible for cooperation with the client.

Data, Master and Client elements are found even in the smallest Elasticsearch installations, therefore often the environment is referred to as a cluster, regardless of the number of nodes configured. Within the cluster, Elasticsearch decides which data portions are held on a specific node.

Index layout, their name, set of fields is arbitrary and depends on the form of system usage. It is common practice to put data of a similar nature to the same type of index that has a permanent first part of the name. The second part of the name often remains the date the index was created, which in practice means that the new index is created every day. This practice, however, is conventional and every index can have its own rotation convention, name convention, construction scheme and its own set of other features. As a result of passing document through the Logstash engine, each entry receive a data field, which allow to work witch data in relations to time.

The Indexes are built with elementary part called shards. It is good practice to create Indexes with the number of shards that is the multiple of the Elasticsearch data nodes number. Elasticsearch in 6.x version has a new feature called Sequence IDs that guarantee more successful and efficient shard recovery.

Elasticsearch use the mapping to describes the fields or properties that documents of that type may have. Elasticsearch in 6.x version restrict indices to a single type.# Kibana #


Kibana lets you visualize your Elasticsearch data and navigate the Elastic Stack. Kibana gives you the freedom to select the way you give shape to your data. And you don’t always have to know what you’re looking for. Kibana core ships with the classics: histograms, line graphs, pie charts, sunbursts, and more. Plus, you can use Vega grammar to design your own visualizations. All leverage the full aggregation capabilities of Elasticsearch. Perform advanced time series analysis on your Elasticsearch data with our curated time series UIs. Describe queries, transformations, and visualizations with powerful, easy-to-learn expressions. Kibana 6.x has two new feature - a new “Full-screen” mode to viewing dashboards, and new the “Dashboard-only” mode which enables administrators to share dashboards safely.# Logstash #


Logstash is an open source data collection engine with real-time pipelining capabilities. Logstash can dynamically unify data from disparate sources and normalize the data into destinations of your choice. Cleanse and democratize all your data for diverse advanced downstream analytics and visualization use cases.

While Logstash originally drove innovation in log collection, its capabilities extend well beyond that use case. Any type of event can be enriched and transformed with a broad array of input, filter, and output plugins, with many native codecs further simplifying the ingestion process. Logstash accelerates your insights by harnessing a greater volume and variety of data.

Logstash 6.x version supports native support for multiple pipelines. These pipelines are defined in a pipelines.yml file which is loaded by default. Users will be able to manage multiple pipelines within Kibana. This solution uses Elasticsearch to store pipeline configurations and allows for on-the-fly reconfiguration of Logstash pipelines.# ELK #


“ELK” is the acronym for three open source projects: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Elasticsearch is a search and analytics engine. Logstash is a server‑side data processing pipeline that ingests data from multiple sources simultaneously, transforms it, and then sends it to a “stash” like Elasticsearch. Kibana lets users visualize data with charts and graphs in Elasticsearch. The Elastic Stack is the next evolution of the ELK Stack.