Intelligence Module

A dedicated artificial intelligence module has been built in the ITRS Log Analytics system that allows prediction of parameter values relevant to the maintenance of infrastructure and IT systems. Such parameters include:

  • use of disk resources,
  • use of network resources,
  • using the power of processors
  • detection of known incorrect behaviour of IT systems

To access of the Intelligence module, click the tile icon from the main meu bar and then go to the „Intelligence” icon (To go back, click to the „Search” icon).


There are 4 screens available in the module:../_images/image64.png

  • Create AI Rule - the screen allows you to create artificial intelligence rules and run them in scheduler mode or immediately
  • AI Rules List - the screen presents a list of created artificial intelligence rules with the option of editing, previewing and deleting them
  • AI Learn - the screen allows to define the conditions for teaching the MLP neural network
  • AI Learn Tasks - a screen on which the initiated and completed learning processes of neural networks with the ability to preview learning results are presented.# Create AI Rule #

To create the AI Rule, click on the tile icon from the main menu bar, go to the „Intelligence” icon and select “Create AI Rule” tab. The screen allows to defining the rules of artificial intelligence based on one of the available algorithms (a detailed description of the available algorithms is available in a separate document).


Description of the controls available on the fixed part of screen:

  • Algorithm - the name of the algorithm that forms the basis of the artificial intelligence rule
  • Choose search - search defined in the ITRS Log Analytics system, which is used to select a set of data on which the artificial intelligence rule will operate
  • Run - a button that allows running the defined AI rule or saving it to the scheduler and run as planned

The rest of the screen will depend on the chosen artificial intelligence algorithm.

The fixed part of the screen


Description of the controls available on the fixed part of screen:

  • Algorithm - the name of the algorithm that forms the basis of the artificial intelligence rule
  • Choose search - search defined in the ITRS Log Analytics system, which is used to select a set of data on which the artificial intelligence rule will operate
  • Run - a button that allows running the defined AI rule or saving it to the scheduler and run as planned

The rest of the screen will depend on the chosen artificial intelligence algorithm.

Screen content for regressive algorithms


Description of controls:

  • feature to analyze from search - analyzed feature (dictated)
  • multiply by field - enable multiplication of algorithms after unique values of the feature indicated here. Multiplication allows you to run the AI rule one for e.g. all servers. The value “none” in this field means no multiplication.
  • multiply by values - if a trait is indicated in the „multiply by field”, then unique values of this trait will appear in this field. Multiplications will be made for the selected values. If at least one of value is not selected, the „Run” buttons will be inactive.`

In other words, multiplication means performing an analysis for many values from the indicated field, for example: sourece_node_host- which we indicate in Multiply by field (from search).

However, in Multiply by values (from search) we already indicate values of this field for which the analysis will be performed, for example: host1, host2, host3, ….

  • time frame - feature aggregation method (1 minute, 5 minute, 15 minute, 30 minute, hourly, weekly, monthly, 6 months, 12 months)
  • max probes - how many samples back will be taken into account for analysis. A single sample is an aggregated data according to the aggregation method.
  • value type - which values to take into account when aggregating for a given time frame (e.g. maximum from time frame, minimum, average)
  • max predictions - how many estimates we make for ahead (we take time frame)
  • data limit - limits the amount of date downloaded from the source. It speeds up processing but reduces its quality
  • start date - you can set a date earlier than the current date in order to verify how the selected algorithm would work on historical data
  • Scheduler - a tag if the rule should be run according to the plan for the scheduler. If selected, additional fields will appear;


  • Prediction cycle - plan definition for the scheduler, i.e. the cycle in which the prediction rule is run (e.g. once a day, every hour, once a week). In the field, enter the command that complies with the cron standard. Enable – whether to immediately launch the scheduler plan or save only the definition
  • Role - only users with the roles selected here and the administrator will be able to run the defend AI rules The selected „time frame” also affects the prediction period. If we choose “time frame = monthly”, we will be able to predict a one month ahead from the moment of prediction (according to the “prediction cycle” value)

Screen content for the Trend algorithm


Description of controls:

  • feature to analyze from search - analyzed feature (dictated)
  • multiply by field - enable multiplication of algorithms after unique values of the feature indicated here. Multiplication allows you to run the AI rule one for e.g. all servers. The value “none” in this field means no multiplication.
  • multiply by values - if a trait is indicated in the „multiply by field”, then unique values of this trait will appear in this field. Multiplications will be made for the selected values. If at least one of value is not selected, the „Run” buttons will be inactive.`

In other words, multiplication means performing an analysis for many values from the indicated field, for example: sourece_node_host- which we indicate in Multiply by field (from search).

However, in Multiply by values (from search) we already indicate values of this field for which the analysis will be performed, for example: host1, host2, host3, ….

  • time frame - feature aggregation method (1 minute, 5 minute, 15 minute, 30 minute, hourly, weekly, monthly, 6 months, 12 months)
  • max probes - how many samples back will be taken into account for analysis. A single sample is an aggregated data according to the aggregation method.
  • value type - which values to take into account when aggregating for a given time frame (e.g. maximum from time frame, minimum, average)
  • max predictions - how many estimates we make for ahead (we take time frame)
  • data limit - limits the amount of date downloaded from the source. It speeds up processing but reduces its quality
  • start date - you can set a date earlier than the current date in order to verify how the selected algorithm would work on historical data
  • Scheduler - a tag if the rule should be run according to the plan for the scheduler. If selected, additional fields will appear;


  • Prediction cycle - plan definition for the scheduler, i.e. the cycle in which the prediction rule is run (e.g. once a day, every hour, once a week). In the field, enter the command that complies with the cron standard. Enable – whether to immediately launch the scheduler plan or save only the definition
  • Role - only users with the roles selected here and the administrator will be able to run the defend AI rules The selected „time frame” also affects the prediction period. If we choose “time frame = monthly”, we will be able to predict a one month ahead from the moment of prediction (according to the “prediction cycle” value)
  • Threshold - default values -1 (do not search). Specifies the algorithm what level of exceeding the value of the feature „feature to analyze from cheese” is to look for. The parameter currently used only by the “Trend” algorithm.

Screen content for the neural network (MLP) algorithm


Descriptions of controls:

  • Name - name of the learned neural network
  • Choose search - search defined in ITRS Log Analytics, which is used to select a set of data on which the rule of artificial intelligence will work
  • Below, on the left, a list of attributes and their weights based on teaching ANN will be defined during the teaching. The user for each attribute will be able to indicate the field from the above mentioned search, which contain the values of the attribute and which will be analyzed in the algorithm. The presented list (for input and output attributes) will have a static and dynamic part. Static creation by presenting key with the highest weights. The key will be presented in the original form, i.e. perf_data./ The second part is a DropDown type list that will serve as a key update according to the user’s naming. On the right side, the attribute will be examined in a given rule / pattern. Here also the user must indicate a specific field from the search. In both cases, the input and output are narrowed based on the search fields indicated in Choose search.
  • Data limit - limits the amount of data downloaded from the source. It speeds up the processing, but reduces its quality.
  • Scheduler - a tag if the rule should be run according to the plan or the scheduler. If selected, additional fields will appear:


  • Prediction cycle - plan definition for the scheduler, i.e. the cycle in which the prediction rule is run (e.g. once a day, every hour, once a week). In the field, enter the command that complies with the cron standard
  • Enable - whether to immediately launch the scheduler plan or save only the definition
  • Role - only users with the roles selected here and the administrator will be able to run the defined AI rules

AI Rules List


Column description:

  • Status:
    • ../_images/image71.png- the process is being processed (the pid of the process is in brackets)
    • ../_images/image72.png - process completed correctly
    • ../_images/image73.png - the process ended with an error
  • Name - the name of the rule
  • Search - the search on which the rule was run
  • Method - an algorithm used in the AI rule
  • Actions - allowed actions:
    • Show - preview of the rule definition
    • Enable/Disable - rule activation /deactivation
    • Delete - deleting the rule
    • Update - update of the rule definition
    • Preview - preview of the prediction results (the action is available after the processing has been completed correctly).

AI Learn


Description of controls:

  • Search - a source of data for teaching the network
  • prefix name - a prefix added to the id of the learned model that allows the user to recognize the model
  • Input cols - list of fields that are analyzed / input features. Here, the column that will be selected in the output col should not be indicated. Only those columns that are related to processing should be selected. **
  • Output col - result field, the recognition of which is learned by the network. This field should exist in the learning and testing data, but in the production data is unnecessary and should not occur. This field cannot be on the list of selected fields in “input col”.
  • Output class category - here you can enter a condition in SQL format to limit the number of output categories e.g. if((outputCol) \< 10,(floor((outputCol))+1), Double(10)). This condition limits the number of output categories to 10. Such conditions are necessary for fields selected in “output col” that have continuous values. They must necessarily by divided into categories. In the Condition, use your own outputCol name instead of the field name from the index that points to the value of the “output col” attribute.
  • Time frame - a method of aggregation of features to improve their quality (e.g. 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 daily).
  • Time frames output shift - indicates how many time frame units to move the output category. This allows teaching the network with current attributes, but for categories for the future.
  • Value type - which values to take into account when aggregating for a given time frame (e.g. maximum from time frame, minimum, average)
  • Output class count- the expected number of result classes. If during learning the network identifies more classes than the user entered, the process will be interrupted with an error, therefore it is better to set up more classes than less, but you have to keep in mind that this number affects the learning time.
  • Neurons in first hidden layer (from, to) - the number of neurons in the first hidden layer. Must have a value > 0. Jump every 1.
  • Neurons in second hidden layer (from, to) - the number of neurons in second hidden layer. If = 0, then this layer is missing. Jump every 1.
  • Neurons in third hidden layer (from, to) - the number of neurons in third hidden layer. If = 0 then this layer is missing. Jump every 1.
  • Max iter (from, to) - maximum number of network teaching repetitions (the same data is used for learning many times in internal processes of the neural network). The slower it is. Jump every 100. The maximum value is 10, the default is 1.
  • Split data to train&test - for example, the entered value of 0.8 means that the input data for the network will be divided in the ratio 0.8 to learning, 0.2 for the tests of the network learned.
  • Data limit - limits the amount of data downloaded from the source. It speeds up the processing, but reduces its quality.
  • Max probes - limits the number of samples taken to learn the network. Samples are already aggregated according to the selected “Time frame” parameter. It speed up teaching but reduces its quality.
  • Build - a button to start teaching the network. The button contains the number of required teaching curses. You should be careful and avoid one-time learning for more than 1000 courses. It is better to divide them into several smaller ones. One pass after a full data load take about 1-3 minutes on a 4 core 2.4.GHz server. The module has implemented the best practices related to the number of neurons in individual hidden layers. The values suggested by the system are optimal from the point of view of these practices, but the user can decide on these values himself.

Under the parameters for learning the network there is an area in which teaching results will appear.

After pressing the “Refresh” button, the list of the resulting models will be refreshed.

Autorefresh - selecting the field automatically refreshes the list of learning results every 10s.

The following information will be available in the table on the left:

  • Internal name - the model name given by the system, including the user - specified prefix
  • Overall efficiency - the network adjustment indicator - allow to see at a glance whether it is worth dealing with the model. The grater the value, the better.

After clicking on the table row, detailed data collected during the learning of the given model will be displayed. This data will be visible in the box on the right.

The selected model can be saved under its own name using the “Save algorithm” button. This saved algorithm will be available in the “Choose AI Rule” list when creating the rule (see Create AI Rule).

AI Learn Tasks

The “AI Learn Task” tab shows the list of processes initiated teaching the ANN network with the possibility of managing processes.

Each user can see only the process they run. The user in the role of Intelligence sees all running processes.


Description of controls:

  • Algorithm prefix - this is the value set by the user on the AI Learn screen in the Prefix name field
  • Progress - here is the number of algorithms generated / the number of all to be generated
  • Processing time - duration of algorithm generation in seconds (or maybe minutes or hours)
  • Actions:
    • Cancel - deletes the algorithm generation task (user require confirmation of operation)
    • Pause / Release - pause / resume algorithm generation process.

AI Learn tab contain the Show in the preview mode of the ANN hyperparameters After completing the learning activity or after the user has interrupted it, the “Delete” button appears in “Action” field. This button allows you to permanently delete the learning results of a specific network.


Scenarios of using algorithms implemented in the Intelligence module

Teaching MLP networks and choosing the algorithm to use:

  1. Go to the AI Learn tab,
  2. We introduce the network teaching parameters,
  3. Enter your own prefix for the names of the algorithms you have learned,
  4. Press Build.
  5. We observe the learned networks on the list (we can also stop the observation at any moment and go to other functions of the system. We will return to the learning results by going to the AI Learn Tasks tab and clicking the show action),
  6. We choose the best model from our point of view and save it under our own name,
  7. From this moment the algorithm is visible in the Create AI Rule tab.

Starting the MLP network algorithm:

  1. Go to the Create AI Rule tab and create rules,
  2. Select the previously saved model of the learned network,
  3. Specify parameters visible on the screen (specific to MLP),
  4. Press the Run button.

Starting regression algorithm:

  1. Go to the Create AI Rule tab and create rules,
  2. We choose AI Rule, e.g. Simple Moving Average, Linear Regression or Random Forest Regression, etc.,
  3. Enter your own rule name (specific to regression),
  4. Set the parameters of the rule ( specific to regression),
  5. Press the Run button.

Management of available rules:

  1. Go to the AI Rules List tab,
  2. A list of AI rules available for our role is displayed,
  3. We can perform the actions available on the right for each rule.# Results of algorithms #

The results of the “AI algorithms” are saved to the index „intelligence” specially created for this purpose. The index with the prediction result. These following fields are available in the index (where xxx is the name of the attribute being analyzed):

  • xxx_pre - estimate value
  • xxx_cur - current value at the moment of estimation
  • method_name - name of the algorithm used
  • rmse - avarage square error for the analysis in which _cur values were available. The smaller the value, the better.
  • rmse_normalized - mean square error for the analysis in which _cur values were available, normalized with _pre values. The smaller the value, the better.
  • overall_efficiency - efficiency of the model. The greater the value, the better. A value less than 0 may indicate too little data to correctly calculate the indicator
  • linear_function_a - directional coefficient of the linear function y = ax + b. Only for the Trend and Linear Regression Trend algorithm
  • linear_function_b - the intersection of the line with the Y axis for the linear function y = ax + b. Only for the Trend and Linear Regression Trend algorithm.

Visualization and signals related to the results of data analysis should be created from this index. The index should be available to users of the Intelligence module.

Scheduler Module

ITRS Log Analytics has a built-in task schedule. In this module, we can define a command or a list of commands whose execution we instruct the application in the form of tasks. We can determine the time and frequency of tasks. Tasks can contain a simple syntax, but they can also be associated with modules, e.g. with Intelligence module.

To go to the Scheduler window, select the tile icon from the main menu bar and then go to the „Scheduler” icon (To go back, go to the „Search” icon)


The page with three tabs will be displayed: Creating new tasks in the „Create Scheduler Job”, managing tasks in the „Job List” and checking the status of tasks in „Jobs Status”

In the window for creating new tasks we have a form consisting of fields:

  • Name - in which we enter the name of the task
  • Cron Pattern - a field in which in cron notation we define the time and frequency of the task
  • Command - we give the syntax of the command that will be executed in this task. These can be simple system commands, but also complex commands related to the Intelligence module. In the task management window, we can activate /deactivate, delete and update the task by clicking on the selected icon for a given task ../_images/image63.png

In the task status windows you can check the current status of the task: if it activated, when it started and when it ended, how long it took. This window is not editable and indicates historical data.


Permission have been implemented in the following way:

  • Only the user in the admin role can create / update rules.
  • When creating rules, the roles that will be able to enables / disengage / view the rules will be indicated.

We assume that the Learn process works as an administrator.

We assume that the visibility of Search in AI Learn is preceded by receiving the search permission in the module object permission.

The role of “Intelligence” launches the appropriate tabs.

An ordinary user only sees his models. The administrator sees all models.

Register new algorithm

For register new algorithm:

  • Login to the ITRS Log Analytics
  • Select Intelligence
  • Select Algorithm
  • Fill Create algorithm form and press Submit button

Form fields:

| Field   | Description                                                                                                      |
| Code    | Short name for algorithm                                                                                         |
| Name    | Algorithm name                                                                                                   |
| Command | Command to execute. The command must be in the directory pointed to by the parameter elastscheduler.commandpath. |

ITRS Log Analytics execute command:

<command> <config> <error file> <out file>


  • command - Command from command filed of Create algorithm form.
  • config - Full path of json config file. The name of file is id of process status document in index .intelligence_rules
  • error file - Unique name for error file. Not used by predefined algorithms.
  • out file - Unique name for output file. Not used by predefined algorithms.

Config file:

Json document:

| Field                  | Value                                                                               | Screen field (description)                                           |
| algorithm_type         | GMA, GMAL, LRS, LRST, RFRS, SMAL, SMA, TL                                           | Algorithm. For customs method field Code from Create algorithm form. |
| model_name             | Not empty string.                                                                   | AI Rule Name.                                                        |
| search                 | Search id.                                                                          | Choose search.                                                       |
| label_field.field      |                                                                                     | Feature to analyse.                                                  |
| max_probes             | Integer value                                                                       | Max probes                                                           |
| time_frame             | 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 30 day, 365 day | Time frame                                                           |
| value_type             | min, max, avg, count                                                                | Value type                                                           |
| max_predictions        | Integer value                                                                       | Max predictions                                                      |
| threshold              | Integer value                                                                       | Threshold                                                            |
| automatic_cron         | Cron format string                                                                  | Automatic cycle                                                      |
| automatic_enable       | true/false                                                                          | Enable                                                               |
| automatic              | true/false                                                                          | Automatic                                                            |
| start_date             | YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm or now                                                             | Start date                                                           |
| multiply_by_values     | Array of string values                                                              | Multiply by values                                                   |
| multiply_by_field      | None or full field name eg.: system.cpu                                             | Multiply by field                                                    |
| selectedroles          | Array of roles name                                                                 | Role                                                                 |
| last_execute_timestamp |                                                                                     | Last execute                                                         |

| Not screen fields     |                                     |
| preparation_date      | Document preparation date.          |
| machine_state_uid     | AI rule machine state uid.          |
| path_to_logs          | Path to ai machine logs.            |
| path_to_machine_state | Path to ai machine state files.     |
| searchSourceJSON      | Query string.                       |
| processing_time       | Process operation time.             |
| last_execute_mili     | Last executed time in milliseconds. |
| pid                   | Process pid if ai rule is running.  |
| exit_code             | Last executed process exit code.    |

The command must update the process status document in the system during operation. It is elastic partial document update.

| Process status         | Field (POST body)          | Description                                    |
| START                  |                    | System process id                              |
|                        | doc.last_execute_timestamp | Current timestamp. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm            |
|                        | doc.last_execute_mili      | Current timestamp in millisecunds.             |
| END PROCESS WITH ERROR | doc.error_description      | Error description.                             |
|                        | doc.error_message          | Error message.                                 |
|                        | doc.exit_code              | System process exit code.                      |
|                        |                    | Value “0”.                                       |
|                        | doc.processing_time        | Time of execute process in seconds.            |
| END PROCESS OK         |                    | Value “0”.                                       |
|                        | doc.exit_code              | System process exit code. Value “0” for success. |
|                        | doc.processing_time        | Time of execute process in seconds.            |

The command must insert data for prediction chart.

| Field             | Value             | Description                                            |
| model_name        | Not empty string. | AI Rule Name.                                          |
| preparationUID    | Not empty string. | Unique prediction id                                   |
| machine_state_uid | Not empty string. | AI rule machine state uid.                             |
| model_uid         | Not empty string. | Model uid from config file                             |
| method_name       | Not empty string. | User friendly algorithm name.                          |
| <field>           | Json              | Field calculated. For example: system.cpu.idle.pct_pre |

Document sample:

		  "_index": "intelligence",
		  "_type": "doc",
		  "_id": "emca_TL_20190304_080802_20190531193000",
		  "_version": 2,
		  "_score": null,
		  "_source": {
		    "machine_state_uid": "emca_TL_20190304_080802",
		    "overall_efficiency": 0,
		    "processing_time": 0,
		    "rmse_normalized": 0,
		    "predictionUID": "emca_TL_20190304_080802_20190531193000",
		    "linear_function_b": 0,
		    "@timestamp": "2019-05-31T19:30:00.000+0200",
		    "linear_function_a": 0.006787878787878788,
		    "system": {
		      "cpu": {
		        "idle": {
		          "pct_pre": 0.8213333333333334
		    "model_name": "emca",
		    "method_name": "Trend",
		    "model_uid": "emca_TL_20190304_080802",
		    "rmse": 0,
		    "start_date": "2019-03-04T19:30:01.279+0100"
		  "fields": {
		    "@timestamp": [
		  "sort": [