Integration with AD

You can configure the ITRS Log Analytics to communicate with Active Directory to authenticate users. To integrate with Active Directory, you configure an Active Directory realm and assign Active Directory users and groups to the ITRS Log Analytics roles in the role mapping file.

To protect passwords, communications between the ITRS Log Analytics and the LDAP server should be encrypted using SSL/TLS. Clients and nodes that connect via SSL/TLS to the LDAP server need to have the LDAP server’s certificate or the server’s root CA certificate installed in their keystore or truststore.

AD configuration

The AD configuration should be done in the /etc/elasticsearch/properties.yml file.

Below is a list of settings to be made in the properties.yml file (the commented section in the file in order for the AD settings to start working, this fragment should be uncommented):

|**Direcitve**                          		| **Description**               							|
| ------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| # LDAP                                		|                              								|
| #ldaps:                               		|                               							|
| # - name: \"\"             		|# domain that is configured    							|
| # host: \",\"       		|# list of server for this domain							|
| # port: 389                           		|# optional, default 389 for unencrypted session or 636 for encrypted sessions		|
|# ssl\_enabled: false                  		|# optional, default true       							|
|# ssl\_trust\_all\_certs: true         		|# optional, default false      							|
|# ssl.keystore.file: \"path\"          		|# path to the truststore store 							|
|# ssl.keystore.password: \"path\"      		|# password to the trusted certificate store  						|
|# bind\_dn: [[admin\]      		|# account name administrator   							|
|# bind\_password: \"password\"         		|# password for the administrator account 						|
|# search\_user\_base\_DN: \"OU=lab,DC=example,DC=com\" |# search for the DN user tree database 						|
|# user\_id\_attribute: \"uid           		|# search for a user attribute optional, by default \"uid\"            			|
|# search\_groups\_base\_DN:\"OU=lab,DC=example,DC=com\"|# group database search. This is a catalog main, after which the groups will be sought.|
|# unique\_member\_attribute: \"uniqueMember\" 		|# optional, default\"uniqueMember\"							|
|# connection\_pool\_size: 10                  		|# optional, default 30									|
|# connection\_timeout\_in\_sec: 10                  	|# optional, default 1									|
|# request\_timeout\_in\_sec: 10                     	|# optional, default 1									|
|# cache\_ttl\_in\_sec: 60                           	|# optional, default 0 - cache disabled							|

If we want to configure multiple domains, then in this configuration file we copy the # LDAP section below and configure it for the next domain.

Below is an example of how an entry for 2 domains should look like. (It is important to take the interpreter to read these values ​​correctly).

        - name: ""
          host: ","
          port: 389 # optional, default 389
          ssl_enabled: false # optional, default true
          ssl_trust_all_certs: true # optional, default false
          bind_dn: ""
          bind_password: "password" # generate encrypted password with /usr/share/elasticsearch/pass-encrypter/
          search_user_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=example1,DC=com"
          user_id_attribute: "uid" # optional, default "uid"
          search_groups_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=example1,DC=com"
          unique_member_attribute: "uniqueMember" # optional, default "uniqueMember"
          connection_pool_size: 10 # optional, default 30
          connection_timeout_in_sec: 10 # optional, default 1
          request_timeout_in_sec: 10 # optional, default 1
          cache_ttl_in_sec: 60 # optional, default 0 - cache disabled
          service_principal_name: "" # optional, for sso
          service_principal_name_password : "password" # optional, for sso
        - name: "" #DOMAIN 2
          host: ","
          port: 389 # optional, default 389
          ssl_enabled: false # optional, default true
          ssl_trust_all_certs: true # optional, default false
          bind_dn: ""
          bind_password: "password" # generate encrypted password with /usr/share/elasticsearch/pass-encrypter/
          search_user_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=example2,DC=com"
          user_id_attribute: "uid" # optional, default "uid"
          search_groups_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=example2,DC=com"
          unique_member_attribute: "uniqueMember" # optional, default "uniqueMember"
          connection_pool_size: 10 # optional, default 30
          connection_timeout_in_sec: 10 # optional, default 1
          request_timeout_in_sec: 10 # optional, default 1
          cache_ttl_in_sec: 60 # optional, default 0 - cache disabled
          service_principal_name: "" # optional, for sso
          service_principal_name_password : "password" # optional, for ssl

After completing the LDAP section entry in the properties.yml file, save the changes and restart the service with the command:

# systemctl restart elasticsearch

Configure SSL suport for AD authentication

Open the certificate manager on the AD server.

../_images/image78_js.png Select the certificate and open it


Select the option of copying to a file in the Details tab


Click the Next button


Keep the setting as shown below and click Next


Keep the setting as shown below and click Next.


Give the name a certificate


After the certificate is exported, this certificate should be imported into a trusted certificate file that will be used by the Elasticsearch plugin.

To import a certificate into a trusted certificate file, a tool called „keytool.exe” is located in the JDK installation directory.

Use the following command to import a certificate file:

keytool -import -alias adding_certificate_keystore -file certificate.cer -keystore certificatestore

The values for RED should be changed accordingly.

By doing this, he will ask you to set a password for the trusted certificate store. Remember this password, because it must be set in the configuration of the Elasticsearch plugin. The following settings must be set in the properties.yml configuration for SSL:

ssl.keystore.file: "<path to the trust certificate store>"
ssl.keystore.password: "< password to the trust certificate store>"

Role mapping

In the /etc/elasticsearch/properties.yml configuration file you can find a section for configuring role mapping:

# rolemapping.file.path: /etc/elasticsearch/role-mappings.yml

This variable points to the file /etc/elasticsearch/role-mappings.yml Below is the sample content for this file:


Attention. The role you define in the role.mapping file must be created in the ITRS Log Analytics.

How to the mapping mechanism works ? An AD user log in to ITRS Log Analytics. In the application there is a admin role, which through the file role-mapping .yml binds to the name of the admin role to which the Admins container from AD is assigned. It is enough for the user from the AD account to log in to the application with the privileges that are assigned to admin role in the ITRS Log Analytics. At the same time, if it is the first login in the ITRS Log Analytics, an account is created with an entry that informs the application administrator that is was created by logging in with AD.

Similar, the mechanism will work if we have a role with an arbitrary name created in ITRS Logistics and connected to the name of the role-mappings.yml and existing in AD any container.

Below a screenshot of the console on which are marked accounts that were created by uesrs logging in from AD


If you map roles with from several domains, for example, then in User List we will see which user from which domain with which role logged in ITRS Log Analytics.

Password encryption

For security reason you can provide the encrypted password for Active Directory integration. To do this use script that is located in the Utils directory in installation folder.

  1. Installation of pass-encrypter

     cp -pr /instalation_folder/elasticsearch/pass-encrypter /usr/share/elasticsearch/
  2. Use pass-encrypter

     # /usr/share/elasticsearch/pass-encrypter/
     Enter the string for encryption :
     Encrypted string : MTU1MTEwMDcxMzQzMg==1GEG8KUOgyJko0PuT2C4uw==

Integration with Radius

To use the Radius protocol, install the latest available version of ITRS Log Analytics.


The default configuration file is located at /etc/elasticsearch/properties.yml:

	# Radius opts ""
	#radius.secret: "querty1q2ww2q1"
	#radius.port: 1812

Use appropriate secret based on config file in Radius server. The secret is configured on clients.conf in Radius server.

In this case, since the plugin will try to do Radius auth then client IP address should be the IP address where the Elasticsearch is deployed.

Every user by default at present get the admin role.